Vervain, organic (Verbena officinalis)


Verbena officinalis

Unit size: 1 ounce

Origin: Europe

Form: Cut and Sifted

Other names: Verbena, Herb of Grace, Herbe Sacrée, Herba veneris.

Uses: Nourishing, nurturing, engendering, increase of energy, empress, eloquence

Associations: Earth, Venus

Aroma: fresh earthy hay with a somewhat harsh smoke

This Herb of Venus was so called by the Ancients because they considered it to be an aphrodisiac. Verbena was the Roman name for altar-plants in general and specifically referred to this herb. Allegedly Druids used it in their lustral waters, and magicians used it in their rituals. It was also worn around the neck as a charm against headaches and allegedly guarded against poisonous bites.

Vervain is particularly useful for female Priestesses in raising their female energy during ritual.

This is herb grade vervain.

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